In order to recover the holographic object information, a method based on the recording of two digital holograms, not only at different planes but also in a slightly off-axis scheme, is presented. By introducing a π-phase shift in the reference wave, the zero-order diffracted term and the twin image are removed in the frequency domain during the processing of the recorded holograms. We show that the zero-order elimination by the phase-shifted holograms is better than working with weak-order beam and average intensity removal methods. For recording experimentally two π-shifted holograms at different planes slightly off-axis, a single cube beam splitter is used. Computer simulations and experimental results, carried out to validate our proposal, show a high accuracy of π?14 that
can be comparable with phase-shifting digital holography. For high fringe spacing, our proposal could be applied in electron holography, avoiding high voltage in a biprism.
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